Sunday, January 22, 2012

McKinley's Friends

I have started a new tab at the top of my blog called "McKinley's Friends"  I copied its contents in this post. 

After receiving the devastating news that McKinley had Trisomy 13, a diagnosis considered "incompatible with life," I desperately starting searching the Internet for people in the same situation knowing that I couldn't be the only one. I had difficulty at first, then a friend connected me to the blog of a family with the same diagnosis. This is how I came in contact with all the amazing women and families I have come to know that have been affected (or are being affected) by Trisomy 13. Now that McKinley is in heaven, this group of women, some I know in person and some I haven't met, have played a crucial role in my healing process.

I saw this done on another blog (Thanks Holly!) and thought it was a wonderful idea. I would like to start a list of babies that have gone to heaven, to hopefully connect other moms/families if they happen to stumble across my blog.

If you have a precious baby in heaven, due to miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant loss and would like to be added to this list, please leave a comment on this post (if you don't have a google account, it will give you an option to leave the information anonymously as well) with the following:

-Your name
-Baby's Name (if given one)
-Birthday, Born into Heaven Date, and/or Angel Dates
-Diagnosis/Reason they left us (if you received one)
-Blog Link (if you have one, so that others can find your blog)

**Even if you do not currently have a blog, still send me the other information so we can recognize your sweet baby and have others pray for you. If you decide to start a blog at a later time, just send me your updated information and I will be glad to add it**

Would everyone please join me and pray for these families?

McKinley's Friends

(Click on the tab at the top of the blog to see the ones that have been added)


Miranda said...

Name: Miranda Oldham
Baby's Name: Annalise Lilly Oldham
Born into heaven: Aug. 19th 2011 (6 months gestation)
Diagnosis: Trisomy 13

Great idea. You ladies have meant the world to me through this most difficult time of my life.

Meghan said...

Name: Meghan Pfeiffer
Baby's Name: Quinn Elise Pfeiffer
Born: 11/28/11
Date received her wings: 12/2/11
Diagnosis: Trisomy 13

I love this idea!! I wouldn't have made it this far if it weren't for the amazing ladies I have met on this journey!

Miriam said...

Name: Miriam Holcomb
Baby Name: Baby Mercy
Born into Heaven: March 22, 2010 (6 weeks pregnant)

Anonymous said...

Name: Rachel Fortuna
Baby Born in Heaven: Feb 13, 2004 (6 weeks pregnant)

Dawn said...

Dawn Kidd
Nathan Samuel Kidd
April 19, 2007
Blood Clot in Placenta 19th wk gestation.

Haylee Dawn Kidd
March 7, 2009
No known cause.
(Full term, passed 38 min after birth)

Our family said...

My cousin's lost their baby Jake at birth due to a random birth defect that caused kidney failure. Their blog is They are expecting a healthy baby girl in a month. So sorry for you loss.

Kerri said...

My Name is Kerri
My little girl is Delaney Claire
born extremly early at 27 fought hard until 7 months old and her diagnosis was :Pulmonary Hypertension.
She went to heaven on February 19, 2012 and this past week we would have celebrated her 1st birthday