Friday, May 25, 2012

Sips n Strokes!

Recently, I had my first experience at Sips n Strokes!  If you aren't familiar with it, its a place where they teach you how to paint! They post a calendar online and  feature a different painting each night.  So, you pick a picture you would like to paint and go on that night!  They provide everything you need for painting and show you step by step how to paint the picture.  You can also bring wine to sip on while you are painting!  Super cute idea!

I had always wanted to go but I have ab-sol-u-tely no talent when it comes to drawing and painting.  My sister got ALL of those genes!!

They broke down each step and made it so easy to follow along!  So we all ended up with the same painting but they were all just a little different!

We painted "Dandelions Blowin' in the Wind"

I went with the "Trisomy" mommies and we had a blast! From left to right:  Jeannie (mommy to Porter Gray) Me,  Katie (mommy to Hallie), and Kara (mommy to Dalton)  You can find all of their blogs on the left side of my blog under "Fellow Trisomy Blogs"  I am so so thankful for these girls and what they have meant to me over the last 7 months!  We will forever be connected in an extremely special way.

And the picture you have been waiting for............!!!
